App Inventor Installation in Windows

The installation information has been edited from Please click on the link for information for computer systems and browsers not listed below.

1. System requirements

  • Windows: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • Google Chrome 4.0 or higher

Note: To check the version of your browser, click the setting (for Chrome, click the wrench icon) and check the "About" tab.

2. Test your Java configuration

Your computer needs to run Java 6 or higher (also known as Java 1.6). You can download Java from . Test your Java configuration by performing both of the following tests:

  • Visit the Java test page. You should see a message that Java is working and that the version is Java 1.6. You need to allow your computer to run Java when a pop-up message appears at the top corner of the page.
  • Run the AppInventor Java test. This will check that your browser is properly configured to run Java, and that your computer can launch applications with Java Web Start.

App Inventor will not work on your computer if these tests do not succeed. Don't go on to try to use App Inventor until you've dealt with the issue. If Java does not run properly even after you install the latest version of Java, see the troubleshooting tips at the Java test page

3. Install the App Inventor Setup Software

Next you need to install App Inventor Setup for Windows on your computer

4. Setup Your Android Phone

The last step is to set up your Android phone

Having a trouble connecting your phone? Find the solution here. You can also find more general help in the troubleshooting tips.

If you see an error message mentioning the "path" problem, it is likely that you did not complete the setup in step 3. Try re-installing the software above, and make sure to complete the installation wizard (the installation requires extra steps after downloading the software).

5. Run your First App Inventor Program

Click on the Getting Started link to run and create your first App Inventor Program